Teachingartonthecheap's Blog

Archive for November 2009

Creative Reuse Lesson Plan Week 10 Grade  2-5

Written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP /Whitman ES 2009-10

Filler Lesson: Shading and Visual Textures

Cost per student: $.01

Materials: Half sheet copies of line drawings on reused copy paper (I copied pages from a  generic monster coloring book I got for 10 cents at the Goodwill by the pound outlet), colored pencils, pencils, tiny scrap papers for practice

Students will recognize shading techniques and visual textures in artwork, and adapt them for use in their own art.

Vocabulary: crosshatching, stippling, hatching, blending

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A amazing Whitman artist created a tessellated design and added color using only red, yellow and blue crayons.


Creative Reuse Lesson Plan Week 10 Grade K-5

Written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP /Whitman ES 2009-10

Filler Lesson: Primary Colors

Cost per student: $.01

Materials: Crayons (reds, yellows and blues – you can pick “almost” hues, too like periwinkle, marigold, magenta, turquoise etc.), paper (I used 5”x7”index cards), black markers (or black crayons).

Students will be able to identify primary colors and mix them to create secondary colors.

Vocabulary: Primary, secondary, tessellated design

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November was busy, and I wrapped up the lessons about 7 elements of art. All classes had at least 7 lessons focusing on the basic elements of art, and some had extra lessons delving into certain concepts more deeply.

My in-school volunteering hours topped 79 this month, for a total of 241 hours so far (that doesn’t include time spent gathering materials, asking for donations, writing lesson plans etc.)

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At different points during the year certain classes will miss their art lesson due to school holidays, assemblies, field trips, etc.

Every so often I take a week to catch all the classes up so I don’t have some classes trailing behind, using materials I could have finished using and put away weeks ago.  During those weeks, I devise a broad filler lesson for the classes who are completely caught up, so we can expound on a topic we have already discussed during an earlier lesson.

I will write up the plans for the other 2 filler lessons I have used so far; the important thing is that they are easy to do (stress free for me) and can be applicable to a wide age range of students.

I will eventually cycle back around to these topics so all classes will have learned about, say, warm and cool colors at some point during the year, but approaching vocabulary and concepts several different ways never hurts.


Creative Reuse Lesson Plan   Week   9  Grade   K-5

1st Trimester Whitman ES 2009-2010  written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP

Warm and Cool colors

Cost per student: $.03 to $.15 depending on variations in your materials

Materials: warm colored crayons or oil pastels (an art college in town donated a box of warm colored pastels, that inspired this lesson), cool colored watercolors (I have both individual pans and liquid watercolors I can portion into bowls), brushes, white paper (I have white scalloped edged placemats from Scrap for the kindergarteners), newspaper, water cups and water, paint samples, art books

Students will be able to identify and group warm and cool colors and understand their use in examples of artwork; create an artwork showcasing warm and cool colors.

Vocabulary: warm, cool, color, advance, recede

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So far, so good.  I’d like to thank Georgie’s clay and Art Media on 82nd in Portland for donating clay for projects later in the year, and the Mill End Store for donating several yards of fabric so we can work on a quilt.

My current total number of hours spent volunteering (just time spent in the school, not gathering materials, writing lesson plans at home or anything else): 162 hours, as of 10/31/09

I looked at all the year long curriculum plans across all the grade levels, made lists of potential unit topics for the second trimester, and have asked each teacher to turn in their top choices this week. I’m trying to piggyback art onto another topic to support the content the teachers are already teaching in their classrooms.  Then I can start making plans and collecting materials for the next chunk of the school year.

Students and staff continue to be excited about art and supportive of the program I’m cobbling together, so it’s great to feel like it’s “working”. I will do a second assessment soon, so I can see what ideas have changed or blossomed since the beginning of the year.

Also, the school has Student Recognition assemblies several times during the year, and they

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I recognized 4 students for their creativity; I look forward to recognizing many more.

allowed me to create and distribute a few special art awards recognizing specific students and their creativity. The kids I chose to receive the certificates seemed very pleased, and many students expressed hope that maybe they could be chosen next time!

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Caulk, caulk spreaders, sticky vinyl scraps, permanent markers and a box lid of plastic stuff for every group of 5 kids

An industrious student assembles a robot sculpture!Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto!Creative Reuse Lesson Plan   Week   8  Grade   4/5

1st Trimester Whitman ES 2009-2010  written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP

Elements of Art: Form

Cost per student: $.05

Materials: Lots of plastic doodads (marker caps, old game pieces, bottle caps, straws etc) and at least one plastic container for each kid. Something like a yogurt cup, empty hotel size shampoo, slide box, etc. Silicone caulk and old plastic lids for holding dollops of caulk. Sharpies, old stickers (I have leftover sticky vinyl from the pin/magnet shape lesson), plastic to cover the tables.

Students will be able to explain that forms take up space and identify the use of forms in art.

Vocabulary: form, three dimensional, space, sculpture, abstract

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art 106Creative Reuse Lesson Plan   Week  8   Grade   2/3

1st Trimester Whitman ES 2009-2010  written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP

Cost per student: $ .30

Materials: Salt dough clay in various colors (you could use whatever air drying clay you have; it is hard to beat the cost of salt dough clay!), wire (at least 24” per child), beads, foam or paper shapes, drying racks (I found old window screens), wire cutters (just for the teacher), containers for keeping beads, shapes etc corralled.

Students will be able to explain that forms take up space and identify the use of forms in art.

Vocabulary: form, three dimensional, space, sculpture, abstract

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