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I became super overwhelmed with the art teaching and gave up on the lesson plan posting, which I will resume in September. I eventually volunteered over 1500 hours at Whitman Elementary last year, and SCRAP donated $140 worth of art materials, which was enough to keep 370 students happy and learning the whole year long. Here are some photos of projects we worked on during the third trimester:

Dozens of families came to see displays of student art and make their own art using tons of art materials donated by SCRAP. Students loved using the hot glue guns, which make it so easy to glue plastic together – it’s not something we could do in class. So many kids made such interesting projects and it was great to watch their parents interact with and encourage them.

Third grade students are learning about plants in art and science. They made plant rubber stamps and printed with them – look for leaves, veggies, fruits, flowers, trees, etc.  Some of their tree paintings are also on display; they mixed up custom colors for the background and painted portfolio boxes literally removed from a recycle dumpster. We sketched trees in the school’s courtyard and talked about the parts of trees and how trees really look (not like a cotton ball on a stick), and kids used black, white, blue, yellow and red paint,  mixed colors and painted a landscape featuring a tree.

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I am pretty excited – I volunteered 154 hours in April, bringing my grand total to 1005 hours since September.

In other news, I will be changing the format from more formal, traditional lesson plans to tutorials. I just cannot keep up with the lesson plans and this way I can still put up pictures of student work and share ideas for creative reuse but be slightly less exhausted. This summer I will go back and categorize all the projects by material type, which might make it easier for people who are searching for creative reuse suggestions.

Thank you to Mt. Scott Fuel for contributing gravel and soil to fill our planter boxes we made to celebrate earth day, and to Seven Dees Landscaping for donating grass seed for our upcoming seed heads!

Creative Reuse Lesson Plan    Second grade: Letter Writing

Written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP /Whitman ES 2009-10

Printed note cards

Cost per student: $.20 (brayers can be used forever, though)

Materials: Brayers, foam trays, ballpoint pens, pencils, scratch paper, paper or cardstock to print onto, plastic lids or trays, acrylic paint or printing ink (like Speedball), newspapers, clean wet cloths.

Students will design an image and make multiple prints using traditional block printing techniques.

Elements of art: Line, texture, value

Vocabulary: printing, brayer

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Creative Reuse Lesson Plan         First Grade: Families

Written by Keri Piehl for SCRAP /Whitman ES 2009-10

Hand Print Mural

Cost per student: $.10 (not including the use of an iron)

Materials: Iron, fabric (I found a giant appliquéd globe on a sheet in the trash), fabric crayons, paper, markers, newspaper or towel to iron on top of.

Students will create an individual design to contribute to the whole group mural

Elements of art: shape, space

Vocabulary: mural, family, humankind

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